No Mess. No Stress.
They say that for an organization to move forward it needs to have, first, a direction, and then an alignment of the entire team to that direction. Companies consult management gurus to help them set a direction, and the directions setting comes in many forms such as Vision, Mission, Goals, Purpose, et al.
Alignment is possible only if there is a precise understanding of the why and what of the direction. People need to know what the direction is and the significance of the direction. And this reiterates the importance of the direction and its understanding. Writing complex statements does not help understand direction. It needs very terse and self-explanatory words. At E-Movers we responded to this challenge by writing a very simple four-word statement.
No Mess. No Stress
Simply put, we are aligned to a move that guarantees a No Mess. No Stress experience to our customers. It is a simple direction and easy to follow. If you have done a relocation, you will instantly appreciate the significance of a No Mess No Stress relocation.
A relocation exercise is in some sense a dislocation. Things are not just being moved around, but are first being packed and prior to that being uninstalled or dis-assembled or uprooted from their state-of-rest. And it inevitably creates some mess. It may be the dust, accumulated in so many niches and crevices that was hidden from sight. It may be fasteners and binders that come apart during disassembling. Broken parts, nails, screws, and many such things are strewn around when the packing is in progress. A lot of debris is created when things are taken apart.
A similar scenario exists when the unpacking and assembly is done. There is so much of residue created when nails are hammered in walls, and when things are put into a new place. Altogether different story is the mess created by the packaging material such as the boxes, tapes, wires, wrappings. In short, a huge mess is created when a relocation is done.
Our team is aligned to the direction of Cleaning up the Mess, and the starting point is to reduce the mess in the first place. Special training is given to localize the debris, to use containers to hold the mess, to carry dust-bins to instantly stash the waste.
No Stress
Relocation is not only a physical exercise but also an emotional event for the customer. By emotion I mean, mental state. The loss of leaving a known environment is heightened by the fear of the unknown. To this, you have to add the anxiety of moving your furniture, wardrobe, and kitchen. It is an event that is the reason for extreme stress and also fatigue, both of which are unpleasant experiences.
Our first training to our people is to empathize with our customers on the emotional aspect of moving. We do this by courtesy and care we demonstrate when we pack personal things. We have introduced Lady Packers for packing the kitchen and the wardrobe as they are perceived has having more sensitivity. It also reduces the embarrassment when handling personal clothing. We demonstrate the precious value of the things we are handling and take extra precaution to package securely things of sentimental value.
When it comes to reducing their fatigue, we provide cartons in advance to help them pack confidential and valuable things on their own. At the time of moving our team does everything with zero physical effort required by customers. We take pictures of cabinets before packing and use the pictures to re-position in the exact place when unpacking. And there are many such things that we do to minimize the stress. Marking the contents of the boxes is one such example.
No Mess No Stress is an ingrained directive to all who work on site and the entire team works in coordination to achieve this direction.
We also realize the connection between Mess and Stress. At times the stress is caused by the mess, and the mess is not just in the physical sense. Companies are capable of creating an intangible mess when it comes to meeting expectations, both real and perceived. And when customer expectations are not met, it leads to stress.
To avoid the stress we reduce the factors that may create a mess by ensuring that we set the expectations upfront and narrowing communications gaps. Our quote clearly indicates our deliverable, our responsibilities, and our costs. We also clearly outline customer responsibilities and the pre-requisites for the job. This helps in preempting misunderstanding and reducing the intangible mess and thus the stress.
Does your company have a simple direction that is understood by all? Is everyone aligned to it? Eager to know your comments.